Pagerie's Founder - Mandy Madden Kelley


Mandy Madden Kelley

The Pagerie Pet is not only your son or daughter, but closest confidant. Introducing Wo(man)’s Best Friend, a series that reveals our favourite Pagerie companions and the personality traits that make them one of a kind.

Pagerie founder Mandy Madden Kelley is a beauty connoisseur with a relaxing, neutral-toned aesthetic. Her sense of style is distinct when it comes to design, architecture, and colour. And her Instagram platform is made up of neutrals and muted hues, glowing skin, and didactic product reviews.

But growing up in Romania and later in New Zealand as a child of colour made her stand out when she wanted to fit in. “I was so self-conscious about my skin,” she says. “I got into skincare as a gesture to love myself and that led me to blogging.” But she never lost sight of her passion for design. And while she has seamlessly integrated that into her beauty routine, she felt like that ethos was missing from her pet’s daily accoutrements.

Mandy has always been a dog-enthusiast. She grew up with them and saw the impact they had on the different people in her life.

“I wanted to merge something that represented me, but also something that had not been done before. Something I was personally looking for as a dog owner,”

adds Mandy, “that was something of quality that I could invest in. Similar to buying a handbag.”

Meet Mandy’s inspiration for Pagerie: her very canine companion, Hector.

Dog son’s name: Hector

Breed: French bulldog

Cutest quirk: Dogs feel most vulnerable when they are on their back. But Hector is notorious for being on his. He rolls around and waits for me to rub his belly. Also, he lays like a sphinx and then he drags himself. That is how he stretches. It is the cutest thing.

Favourite human food: Sweet potatoes. He also always has yoghurt before bed. It is good for their gut bacteria. So we made it a nightly ritual.

Daily uniform: Mostly just a Pagerie collar. He’s either wearing a beautiful accessory around his neck or nothing at all.

Go-to outdoor activity: Hector loves going to the park. But he doesn’t go to play with the dogs; he goes to annoy them.

Preferred luxury item: He’s obsessed with this cushion I have from Ralph Lauren. He always scratches it like it is a bed and he has to sit on it.